More efficiency at Hüttenhospital
Hüttenhospital can look back on more than 160 years of history as a hospital. In the meantime, a team of over 300 employees takes care of the health needs of older people. The focus of their work is on the patients entrusted to them and their families. Hüttenhospital has already been using the Quiply employee app for internal communication since May 2020. The average age of the nursing staff is higher than in many other industries. However, although not all of them were familiar with the technology, the introduction of the app went smoothly due to its simplified handling.
Before the introduction of the app, the many part-time employees who are not on site every day did not have the opportunity to receive all information related to work in a timely manner. With the introduction of the Quiply employee app, they can now quickly check what happened during the week before going on duty. Ordering meals at Hüttenhospital has also become particularly simplified. The app saves staff from having to walk long distances between the kitchen and their work stations. A form can be filled out in the app with the desired menu, which is automatically forwarded to the kitchen and the HR department (for billing). The cottage hospital leads cooperatively. Good communication among themselves is therefore particularly important to them, and with the Quiply employee app, all information now reaches its recipient(s) quickly and with just a few clicks.
Key Facts
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About the Hüttenhospital
The Hüttenhospital is a hospital with a long tradition in the Dortmund district of Hörde with over 300 employees. It was founded in 1858 as the works hospital of Hermannshütte (steel and ironworks) and has been at its present location since 1913. The current 174 beds are divided between the specialist departments of geriatrics (with day clinic) and internal medicine (with intensive care unit). With more than 30 years of experience and approximately 3,600 patients treated per year, the Hüttenhospital has proven expertise in the health needs of older people and is thus the geriatric center of the region.